In a span of 24 hours, I gained a great deal of knowledge on how mathematics played a significant role in supporting children's development holistically. In preschools, I feel that we tend to place alot of in the aspect of language and literacy development, so much so that mathematics is often somewhat 'forgotten'. It may not be the case for others but that is the case for me. Hence, I am glad that I went through this course as it gave me a different perspective of mathematics education.
Here are the three big ideas that I learnt after the precious 24 hours:
Big Idea 1: The 4 main uses of numbers:
- Ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd... ...
- Cardinal numbers: Using numbers for counting purposes Eg: 1 dog, 2 dogs, 3 dogs...
- Norminal numbers: Using numbers as a name Eg: Bus No. 14
- Measurement numbers: Using numbers to measure Eg: 4 grams, 5 kilograms...
Big Idea 2: What can be counted and what cannot be counted.
Saying the noun after each number as you count. "1 apple, 2 apples, 3 apples, 4 apples..."
This helps children when they eventually learn addition and subtraction. 2 apples and 5 oranges will never become 7 apple oranges just like how 2x + 2y will never become 4 xy.
Big Idea 3: The CPA sequence (Bruner, J.)
According to Jerome Bruner's reasoning theory, the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) teaching sequence reflects how children learn mathematical concepts. When teaching mathematics, always begin with concrete representations before moving into pictorial and the abstract.
I guess if I was taught fractions through the CPA teaching sequence, I would have understood it much better! After having the concrete experience in using the patterned blocks provided for Problem 18, I could finally figure out how one fourth of two thirds is also one sixth of a whole! The whole concrete experience made a great difference in learning!
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